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Creating Spaces for Students to Make
Getting Started
Welcome (0:51)
Introduction (3:46)
Earn Your 'Creating Spaces for Students to Make' Microcredential!
Overview of the Maker Movement (4:07)
Makerspace Overview (Module 2)
What is a Makerspace?
Why are Makerspaces Important?
Who Can Create a Makerspace?
Planning Your Makerspace (Module 3)
Overview of the Makerspace Planning Process (2:33)
Understand Your Learners (3:17)
Assess School Community (3:15)
Global Trends & Best Practices (2:46)
Makerspace Themes (Module 4)
Overview of Themed Making (2:15)
Developing Themes for Your Makerspace (3:46)
Supporting Themes in Your Makerspace (9:58)
Creating your physical space (Module 5)
Where Should a Makerspace be Located? (3:44)
Setting up Your Makerspace (6:58)
Storing Materials in Your Makerspace (1:25)
Managing Your Makerspace (Module 6)
Role of a Teacher in a Makerspace (3:47)
Scheduling Makerspace Time (1:57)
Celebrating Your Makerspace (3:38)
Wrap Up
Congratulations! (1:11)
Earn Your 'Creating Spaces for Students to Make' Microcredential
BONUS Module
Determining the Right Products for Your Makerspace
Show & Tell
Valuable Resources
Continue Your Making Journey
Determining the Right Products for Your Makerspace
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